
Wendy and Lucy (2008)

Two Hankies

It's apparent that Wendy (Michelle Williams) only has one being in the world she really cares for and who cares for her -- her "medium-sized yellow gold dog" Lucy.

Driving from Indiana to Alaska to find work in the canneries in a 20-year old Honda, Wendy hits hard times in a small town in Oregon. With scant money, the car breaks down and needs probably $2,000 worth of work. Wendy has no choice but to leave it with the mechanic (Will Patton) but with desperate need for money for repair or replacement or other transportation, Wendy is caught shoplifting dog food for Lucy. She's hauled off by the cops but when she returns to get Lucy where the pup had been tied to a bike stand outside the store, she finds Lucy is gone.

With the help of a kindly security guard (Wally Dalton), Wendy visits the animal shelter, puts signs up around town, and searches everywhere for a few days. In the end, Wendy must make perhaps the toughest decision she's ever had to make in her life.

Also appearing is Will Oldham as Icky, a homeless many who previously worked in the Alaskan canneries and who gives Wendy advice about where to go and who to talk with to get a job there.

A touching little slice-of-life story.

Co-written and directed by Kelly Reichardt.

Run time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Rated R for language -- which is really pathetic as the language is minor but the story is one that should be seen by youngsters. PG-13 would have been more reasonable. Most children hear this "language" daily from those around them.

My personal rating: B

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