
Outsourced (2006)

"I'm Purohit Narsimacharaya Virajnarianan. But you can call me Puro"

When the US-based novelty company Todd Anderson (Josh Hamilton) works for decides to downsize and outsource customer service phone banks to India, Todd is glad to at least have a job temporarily but is angry that he's being sent to India to set up the phone banks and train the staff on how to handle calls, including how to "talk American."

What Todd finds is people eager to please, a fascinating and very different culture, and romance. Ayesha Dharker appears as Asha, Todd's new eyes on the world.

Co-written and directed by John Jeffcoat.

Run time: 1 hour, 41 minutes

Rated PG-13 for some sexual content.

My personal rating: B

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